Friday, June 4, 2010

Progress on the creativity front

I got a bit ahead of myself at the last quilt guild meeting and told them I would be teaching a workshop on something I didn't actually know how to do at the time. I had seen a video about this technique that had promise, but there were many technical challenges along the way. You'll be pleased to know that progress, though slow, is being made. So, for the record, these are things I now know how to do:
1. Print something directly on my printer onto freezer paper. (for you non-quilters out there, freezer paper is a wonderful thing which can be ironed right onto fabric and it sticks nicely until you peel it off).
2. I have found, ordered and used this cool little tool called a swivel finger cutter. It's like a tiny exacto knife that hooks over your index finger and you can cut curves and such just like you are pointing your finger.
3. I have indeed used said finger swivel cutter to cut stencils printed on said freezer paper, and will have time this weekend to use these stencils with my Shiva Paintstiks on fabric, and this will become a quilt and I will teach this concept to my quilt guild in a couple of weeks. I love it when a plan comes together!

On other fronts, Neal Adams is in the house and all his stuff came with him. The boy does not travel lightly. He's working with Nick, which is going well, so it's all good. Tyler has not yet heard from the Japanese university yet, which is making us a bit nervous. He should have heard already, yes or no, so we're just hanging out here. If he doesn't go to Japan, he has just one semester left at UGA then he'll be done. We'll have to see how that goes.

OK, time to get back to the quilting. I'll see if I'm smart enough to post photos when I get something done.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that offering to teach something you didn't know how to do was a regular strategy. I *know* you've done this before, and always with splendid results I believe. Go girl.
