Monday, June 14, 2010

Job Interview

We're back from Vicksburg. Michael's interview went well, but we won't know anything for two weeks. I've posted more details on my blog so I won't retype them here. I'll let you know when we find out if they're going to offer the job or not.


  1. So what did you think of Vicksberg? I'm quite certain that they adored yo, so that's a non issue.

  2. We liked it. It kind of reminded me of Brooksville (where we lived the first year we were married). It's a cute little town with a quaint little downtown area. It'll definitely be a change from Jacksonville, but we'd make it work and we really liked the pastor and his family as well as a bunch of the youth we met. Michael is interviewing this evening for a job in Connecticut so if Vicksburg doesn't work out we might be headed closer to Baltimore.
