Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm loving this action, though, in truth, I don't know how to do diddly squat. I haven't even figured out how to put a picture up. I'll take a look at Cristy's directions and see if that helps. In the meantime, I always assumed that Mom and Dad lived in Austin because that's where Bud and I were both born. Was it really San Antonio?

I'm going to be back down in Chattanooga from June 25 through the following weekend. Anyone up to try for another tubing trip while I'm there?


  1. Mom - and others - don't forget you can "Comment" on any post, which creates a separate train below that post which you won't see unless you click on the comments link at the bottom. Perhaps you already knew this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. But you do know how to spell 'diddly squat'... I'm impressed... but then, I'm easily impressed.

  4. Blythe, No I didn't know this. I *told* you I didn't know diddly. On the other hand, I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole business at the moment. I'll find my way. Thanks for this hint and all the ones you'll give me in the future I hope.

    By the ay, i want to use the same picture I have used on Facebook. So how do I do that?
